Sunday, January 3, 2010

Logitech Media Keyboard Elite What Do You Think Of My PC System? How Do You Think I Can Upgrade It Cheaply?

What do you think of my PC system? How do you think I can upgrade it cheaply? - logitech media keyboard elite

This is my system (do not know all the details, but we hope that you should know the rest, if I give):
Processor: AMD Athlon 4200 + Dual-Core
Hard Drive: 200 GB
Video Card: Leadtek Nvidia 8600GT
Display: LCD Diamond View 17 "(I want to update)
Speakers: Logitech X-530 5.1 (I update it as I moved my PC into another room and speaker cables are not anywhere I have wireless. I thought Z-5500.)
Keyboard: Logitech Media Elite (Wired)
Mouse: Logitech Optical Mouse (very basic)
Unfortunately, I do not know the name of the motherboard.
Thank you for reading, and if you can help me, please.


joshneil... said...

and of course the Socket AM2 Motherboard with PCI-E, how much you spend depends id say options to buy a new gfx card for 4670, is only 65 pounds of AI at the top of the line of amazing things for price I in my spare time a model comes with Crysis 1280.1024 through things only 2 or 3

or an upgrade CPU like a 6000 + 65-some pounds. But with the processor that you are not a massive increase in the GFX card, but it would be important to

You've Got a nice wee there, and now the same specifications Thats my bros model seems you're my brother?

If you are able to 100 pounds and use a ATI 4850 or 9800, you will be big increases.

anyway, the fate of God

joshneil... said...

and of course the Socket AM2 Motherboard with PCI-E, how much you spend depends id say options to buy a new gfx card for 4670, is only 65 pounds of AI at the top of the line of amazing things for price I in my spare time a model comes with Crysis 1280.1024 through things only 2 or 3

or an upgrade CPU like a 6000 + 65-some pounds. But with the processor that you are not a massive increase in the GFX card, but it would be important to

You've Got a nice wee there, and now the same specifications Thats my bros model seems you're my brother?

If you are able to 100 pounds and use a ATI 4850 or 9800, you will be big increases.

anyway, the fate of God

Andy Softy! said...

First, I think it's awesome ur PC for now ... why u want to update their already excellent!

anyway. . . Or if you really update anything, I think, can u + ur HDD upgrade RAM, a 640, try to get to 6 GB of RAM ...
ur u can update the Nvidia card, check out this site ...

"The new NVIDIA GeForce GTX 285 and found the first batch of reviews of the new high-end card is available in 3D.
Nvidia says the GeForce GTX 285 GPU is the most powerful in the world only what the service offers a 30% faster than competing single-GPU solutions and tear through complex DirectX 10 environments in some of the pictures in extreme HD resolutions. "

Man, the happiness, the day gr8:)

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